9 TED Talks That Anyone Working in social media Should Watch

Whether you work as a Community Manager and you simply started with a new customer or if you are an organization that wants to begin your own strategy in social networks, you should start "the house on the foundations rather than on the top".

This means that you'll need to have a roadmap well planned and developed right from the start: the "Content plan for your social networks".

Yes it's correct. The purification of content is often the very last thing we think about when starting the cultural media strategy. By inertia, we are only in creating a content strategy predicated on the blog, and we lose sight of all the types of content that people can incorporate every day to https://cashwtjl375.skyrock.com/3316941344-What-Sports-Can-Teach-Us-About-social-media-marketing.html our internet sites:

Contents of the blog (content strategy)






Branded content


There are a lot more, of course, but the most crucial thing is to know which ones to work so when. Therefore, when developing your content strategy, you should analyze the most ideal for your company or your client.

While throughout this post I will tell you at length steps to make your content plan for internet sites, an instant review would lead us to focus on four important factors:

What exactly are the objectives of your customer or your business? Predicated on this, the goals of your articles plan can vary greatly substantially.

What exactly are the needs, preferences, and interests of your market? Your articles strategy in internet sites should pivot yes or yes upon this aspect.

What exactly are my real opportunities? It will be useless to define in the content plan you need to make a monthly brand video (for example) if your organization or your client doesn't have the means to do so. You need to be practical both at the level of methods and financial resources. They will not give you an Oscar for making a content strategy of 10, but also for making it simple, practical and effective.

What is your competition doing? Before developing your content plan, analyze your competition. What is publishing, how often, what impact does it generate on your market, if you can design a similar or better content strategy, etc.

I assure you from my own experience, that if elements of these premises the potency of your articles planning will be significantly better and the results of your strategy on internet sites will arrive soon.

What is a content plan for your internet sites?

We could provide a definition of a content plan for internet sites as the record that collects the essential points to work on communication in social media.

As we said at the beginning, it is a roadmap that may help you define the most likely content strategy for social networks, as well as the various online marketing channels that you will have to use to put into action it.

Remember. The procedure of creating a brand, especially in social networks, requires working three fundamental aspects that we will detail throughout this post and that needs to be well collected prior to the execution of the content plan.




We can also provide a much more market-oriented and customer-oriented definition of just what a content plan is, saying that it's a form or way in which you will catch the interest of your audience to arouse their interest, conquer it and then convert it into a customer of your brand. .

Without doubt a proprietary strategy of a Sales Funnel where the content strategy plays a simple role.

And why do I want content planning for my social media?

Unfortunately, a huge percentage of companies (especially smaller ones with fewer resources) have a tendency to publish almost exclusively promotional content, which generates the sensation recognized to everyone as Autobombo.

Others, bet by complementing the magazines of advertising with a content strategy from a blog. It is a good idea if we know steps to make a successful post at the SEO and consumer level and combine it with other activities.

This content plan, in addition to working on what will be published on internet sites, should include an outline of what methodologies will be utilized to help achieve sales .. If we are just on appointments, the strategy will not have served anything.

When defining your articles plan, take into account the strategy, believe that all you do has a clear objective. Communicate and get new customers.