13 Things About social media marketing You May Not Have Known

How exactly to work your articles plan in social networks in a specialist way?

In Business Online we will often have an impact on six earlier aspects that are crucial for the introduction of the content strategy for social networks.

1.- Analyze your current situation, make a SWOT centered on the contents

You need to know at all times of what situation parts and how you evolve in time.


You should analyze what content is working best, how much traffic is redirected to the net and what keywords are helping to position. Based on this, your articles strategy may vary substantially.


Now that guess what happens is working best, you must empower it. You are able to continue creating a kind of content for social networks and even make promotional initiatives online or Facebook Ads to market them.

And if your articles strategy is area of the blog, you might combine the activity with SEO and focus on capturing links or doing Guest Posting with other blogs to help you position specific content.


Analyze what part of your content strategy is working worst type of and why. Is it interesting to "rescue" those contents or easier to make a change of the third?


Determine what aspects are preventing you from get together the objectives of your content plan. Will there be a lack of time, resources, means? Your rivals is very strong, your brand is still growing? Try to provide real solutions.

2.- Analyze your target audience

You must know very well what is most interesting and likes your target prior to starting your articles strategy. The same can not work for everyone, it isn't the same to work the internet sites of the travel agency, of a hotel, that of a company of food or welfare and health http://zybbs.org/annilah0n8/post-ways-to-completely-30608.html care.

In each sector, people look for different things. In a single the video may be more necessary, in another the promotions and in another a simple blog.

Precisely, the aim of creating the content plan is to define what things to publish on social networks and what strategy you will carry as time passes predicated on the users and their behavior.

3.- Analyze your product

It is essential to know how to adapt your service or product to the internet. Customer orientation tells us that you should adapt and customize it to make it more attractive.

Therefore, your articles strategy should talk about the benefits and solutions that your products provide, rather than their features, prices and features.

In the event that you bring solutions from the beginning, your brand will be perceived in a closer and more reliable way.

4.- Design ideal commercial branding messages

One topic that I always like to focus on is the definition of brand communications or Slogans, it is something that we always advise when we do content planning social networks.

Surely at the moment, you remember a multitude of Slogans of brands that you have heard on radio, television or have seen on the internet. The creation of these Slogans or commercial brand text messages is essential to associate brands with ideas, principles, and words that will be remembered more easily.

5.- Create a blog to feed your content strategy

Your blog is one of the primary actions you should fine detail in your content plan. Actually, I'd say that the success of your blog accounts for 60% of the success of your strategy in internet sites.

To make a blog (my advice, when possible the blog and/or the web in WordPress) and also design a content strategy for your blog predicated on:

What types of content publish

Which keywords will you use

How to do blog content planning

When to publish the articles, day and time


In this manner, you can naturally give food to your social networks when you are offering valuable content to your users.

6.- What stations are you going to use in your content strategy?

You won't have the ability to work all of them because your audience is not in all the social networks or in all the web marketing channels.

Therefore, it is essential to make a Successful Content Plan to know where you are going to work all the experience.

In what internet sites will you post

How will you get the Leads

How will you get the audience to see your content, promotions, etc.

If e-mail marketing will be an adequate channel for your articles strategy

Where can you get increased sales?

And undoubtedly, you should estimate the monthly cost that work may necessitate in these online marketing channels.

As you see, these first 6 factors are crucial to creating your Content Plan for internet sites, believe me, if I let you know that it might be of little use to do anything without all the above.