Don't Make This Silly Mistake With Your social media marketing service

Some people believe that Facebook advertising is overrated, (you may be one of them). Nevertheless, you know what? In any case, it is undervalued.

Why? Because the the truth is that when you understand how to make and monitor your advertising campaigns on Facebook correctly, you can drastically change the path of your business and I am not exaggerating. Presently, Facebook advertising has already been generating results for small and large companies in many industries, so ask yourself "how come not my business one particular?".

Most personalities or entities with an internet presence have a solid strategy of advertising on social networks so, if you want to achieve great results, this must be your mentality.

As you have just read, there already are many businesses and personalities attaining an optimistic ROI using their Facebook advertising campaigns. However, I could assure you that non-e are running unchecked risks. They have managed to design a consistent and profitable strategy that allows them to create more clicks, more leads, more prospective customers, more customers, and more benefits.

In this article, I will give out the techniques, strategies, tips, tips or whatever you want to call them, to create marketing promotions for your business or personal Facebook profitable and successful (also economically, of course).

It is vital that you be aware that advertising on Facebook and the use of the tool that Facebook facilitates for your promotions have a learning process, that is, if you are not willing to invest a little of your time (read the article up the finish, for example) in learning and understanding the platform and behavior of your audience, you will hardly get positive results.

1. Set up a clear objective of advertising on Facebook

The core of the social media advertising campaign (yes, it does not just connect with Facebook this) is its goal. To get the best return on your investment, it is important that you make the most of the potential of the various tools that Facebook offers us.

By correctly determining the objective of your advertising campaign you will be clear about the ideal user profile to achieve that goal, that may subsequently reduce your costs and increase your conversion rate.

1.1. Address your customers.

It is true, it may sound contradictory with respect to the type of marketing campaign you want to launch, however, when you begin an advertising campaign on Facebook one of your first goals is to have a high CTR (Click on through rate), so it is advisable to target Your campaign in the first place to your customers, in the end, the possibility of clicking on an ad of the brand that they know and of which these are customers is much higher.

With the Personalized Audiences feature, Facebook we can upload a summary of emails or even phone numbers and predicated on it, create an audience with respect to the users that you can identify on Facebook, which is very interesting if you think about retargeting campaigns or loyalty, do you not believe?

Again and again, different case studies show that well used, the features of individualized Audiences of Facebook can help us achieve great results, only because in this case, for example, our customers know us and the simple truth is that in this aspect. Relevance is the name of the game.

1.2. Address your fans

A Facebook for companies or a Facebook Enthusiast page (Yes, they will vary things and Facebook offers various options for each) are great places for connecting at different levels with your market and encourage them to understand your brand by continually viewing it so that later it will be "easier" to sell them or even to buy them.

Directing your ads to your devotees seems an entire truism that you must be clear about the type of ad you present, probably your devotees have a propensity to buy much higher so you should not be afraid to focus your advertising campaign to the sale.

2. Take benefit of all types of Facebook ads

Advertising on internet sites is on the way to becoming an indispensable part of any marketing strategy on Facebook or other social networks, advertising on Facebook works particularly well because of its variety.

Because of this, a Facebook advertiser is not limited to just one type of ad. What brings creative freedom and allows you to experiment with different kinds of advertisements to identify which works best depending on the situation, the advertised and the general public. If one type of ad can not work for you, you can test another, the key is to experiment.

In addition, why is promotional initiatives on Facebook as well as your advertisements different and significant from others is that they allow you to produce a very accurate measurement of results. The Facebook system allows us to mediate very accurately what works and what will not, which we can scale our ads to secure a higher ROI of our marketing campaign. In fact, its platform allows us to reach different goals such as:

Generate leads for your business

Get downloads for the application.

Collect comments for your products or services,

Conduct surveys to raised know your audience.

Get records for your webinars.

How you utilize the countless options that advertising campaigns offer you on Facebook is your thing, in any case, the truth is that it is a sensible way to promote your business, your services or whatever you like on Facebook.

Ad types:

2.1. Carousel ads on Facebook

Facebook advertising as well as your advertisements are no longer static, with the launch of this advertisement setting you can progress click rates in your ads because they are extremely interactive and incredibly friendly ads that can be adapted to cellular devices.

Do you have no idea how to utilize this type of advertisement?

Attentive to the next ideas:

Show your products directly or types of the same product, including links so that the audience of your ad can purchase them directly.

It shows the different uses that the same product can have and includes the link to that product of course.

Show the logos of some of the clients (ask for their permission) who've already employed your products.

Show your product from different sides.

Tell a visual story about your product, company or service.

With just a little creativity, you can get your brand to get a lot of profitability because of the carousel advertisements that Facebook offers us.

2.2. Video Ads

As you need to know (and become applying), video marketing is a reality that is increasing. We currently spend more time watching videos than reading a text message, as for one or the other, the visible and dynamic content provided by the video always wins the game.

Facebook users aren't different in this aspect, prefer video content and consume it in greater quantity, as always, it is essential that the materials is of high quality and effectiveness for them.

This is exactly the reason you should attempt this kind of ad in your advertising campaigns for Facebook, this type of ad will allow you to transmit your message in a more elaborate way and increase your ROI.

The times when only large companies could afford to create commercials are over, now many platforms offer this possibility. Now we all have the chance to make our products known in a dynamic and attractive way. Why not take advantage of it?

2.3. To generate leads ads on Facebook

Initially, the only path you had to generate leads through Facebook advertising was to make your own landing page and send traffic to Facebook. Nowadays, things have changed and today Facebook allows you to create ads to collect the info of your potential customers without forcing these to leave the sociable network.

The key reason why these ads work so well (among others) is because the user experience is not suffering from the page change, that is, the whole process is done through Facebook, at the end and out, many people think "If it's on Facebook, why not fill it out?"

This results in a higher conversion rate and greater profitability for your campaign.

There are plenty of ways that you will generate leads with this type of ad, you may offer a free eBook or any useful material for the audience of your ad, be aware that the "bribe" that you offer them should seem more valuable than the info that you ask them or the effort that takes these to fill out your form.

As you can see there are various kinds ads, in fact, Facebook offers us more options. What may work right for you depends to a big extent on your goal, which is why it is so important that you establish it before you create

3. Setup your transformation funnel for your Facebook ads

One of the primary reasons to use advertising on social networks is to fully capture the interest of prospective customers and eventually switch them into real customers and Facebook is no different in this regard. However, this will not happen immediately, there's a process until your lead becomes a person.

And maybe you're wondering "How do you do it?"

So making a funnel that will take your potential customers throughout the purchase process. To generate and start a good online marketing strategy in internet sites, the first thing is to recognize our audience carefully, well, the same happens with advertising campaigns in internet sites, you must study your audience and know as best you can.

By no means you can catalog all of your prospects equally, after all, all of them is within a different stage of the purchase.

A transformation funnel greatly seeks to connect with your prospect at the right time so you think about acquiring your product in a natural way. Logically, your relationship with your brand-new prospects should vary from the one you have with your current and/or repeating clients. Your funnel will allow you to differentiate these associations and take advantage of them correctly.

For example, a prospect that already recognizes your brand and your content with seen them when you sign up to your fan web page or your publication could be more likely to buy you than one who just met you because of your campaign to capture leads. As you can see, both potential clients are in your funnel, but in different points.

With a sturdy sales funnel you may take your Facebook advertising strategy a step further.

Here are some ideas about how to do it plus some considerations to keep in mind.

Create different audiences with respect to the stage of your potential customers.

Create specific offers directed to your prospects with respect to the stage of your funnel where they are.

Arranged the goals of your marketing campaign based on your relationship with your audience.

The configuration of the good sales funnel may appear complicated, and the simple truth is that it could be, however, as soon as you have developed it you will see that it is one of the best ways to boost the profitability of your promotional initiatives on Facebook.

4. Focus on the correct metrics

Throughout your Facebook advertising campaigns for companies or brands, in general, you will see over and over with data that look good but that at the financial level represent just a little benefit for your campaign

Therefore, if you are one particular who cares a lot about clicks, visits or reaches. Consider reconsidering your strategy for the reason that regard.

These figures are useful, of course, at the end of your day, they tell you how your marketing campaign is progressing. But that's all, and if you would like to know if your advertising campaign is successful or not, you should always think of sales generated.

In the long run, you are thinking about metrics such as clicks, visits, etc. guide your marketing strategy to focus properly, however, your goal is not those metrics that in themselves do not symbolize a successful marketing campaign.

Suppose one of your advertisements gets a fantastic CTR, lots of appointments above your anticipations, but at the end of your day will not generate sales ... Could it be really profitable for you or for anyone at all? Nobody wants to run advertising or marketing promotions on internet sites that aren't profitable, do not you think?

If you are conducting a branding marketing campaign then these results if they're extraordinary, after all, you aren't seeking to sell immediately, but remember, brand visibility is important, but it will represent only part of your strategy of marketing in social networks and therefore of your advertising budget.

5. Usually do not underestimate the power of tests your ads on Facebook

How exactly to advertise on Facebook is as easy as it seems, but not as easy as they make us believe, what do I mean by this? Well, you can have created and implemented a Facebook advertising campaign perfectly, that is, taking measured risks based on good research, with a good preliminary design, etc.

But how will you know if your advertisements will be the most profitable that your marketing campaign can have or, on the other hand, are losing ads? How can you know what makes some advertisements so tremendously successful while some simply do not take off? In short, how do you make sure that your campaign is successful in the long term?

The answer to each one of these questions is tremendously easy ... Testing, testing and examining.

The A / B tests or divide tests are an important and indispensable part of the good advertising campaign on Facebook, however, these are even way more in an marketing campaign, this is possible regardless of the social network of which we are speaking. These variations enable you to try successful ads with different variants to find what works so well and can replicate it.

Each version of the ad will need to have a improved variable (and only one!), In one it can be the image, in another the text or the audience or the type of ad if suitable, but always one variable at the same time, in yet another way you won't know what generates the success of the advertisement.

The good news is that Facebook has simplified this technique to make it much easier on the platform (which also shows advertisements on Instagram if you'd like).

If you really want your Facebook advertising campaign to reach your goals, you should not stop trying anytime, constantly test thoroughly your ads with different variations, in this way you'll discover what is most striking about your different audiences.

In fact, at the start of each campaign you probably have to spend a good percentage of your budget for it in trial and error until you hit the main element, however, each one of these tests will avoid other future blunders and allow you to profile your campaign better.

6. Use advertising on Facebook along with your Content Marketing

When you combine relevant and high-quality content with a good marketing campaign on Facebook, you can buy extraordinary results and considering that lots of companies are not yet correctly applying an Inbound Marketing strategy to convert visitors into leads and sales. Why not exploit that situation?

Sometimes many exposures are necessary to your product or brand to obtain a prospect to buy us (in fact, it is estimated that between 8 and 10 email messages are necessary to generate a purchase with your e-mail marketing strategy). However, does that mean we ought to not keep trying? Logically, no.

People make their purchasing decisions predicated on different factors and several factors depend on the non-public moment of the average person, so that it is important that we are always present to them and that does not imply that we ought to be selling them something constantly.

What if we provide them with valuable information at the right time? Surely that could allow us to take into account during purchase, in fact, this is the basis of Inbound Marketing, so that it is very interesting that you take into account creating promotional initiatives on Facebook where you promote your content, it is not necessary that these items are always focused on the sale, although eventually, it will come.

This is a way to show our experience inside our niche and position ourselves positively in the mind of our prospect so that whenever it is within its stage of searching for information before making purchasing decisions, consider us more than your competition.

For some reason, we ensure medium or long-term buys with this plan, exciting right?

7. Analyze the results of your Facebook campaign

Quite obvious, do not you think? Well, for most marketers it isn't so, so if you would like your advertising campaigns on internet sites and Facebook to be successful, you should take time to review them carefully. Knowing how your advertising campaign is progressing is vital.

It's not only about taking a look at the ad numbers (clicks, reach, etc.), it's about responding to the connections your ad has already established, if someone has commented on it, answer it, in this manner you will create more visibility for the advertisement.

In addition, with the pixel of Facebook you can see the type of action or behavior individuals who visited your website from your ad have had, what is actually interesting.

In short, studying your marketing campaign is a detail you should never overlook.

8. Think long-term with your strategy

If you'd like your advertising strategy on Facebook to last over time, then you must make sure that your advertisements are created to obtain it.

It is relatively easy to create advertisements for promotions that do not concentrate on the long-term; however, if you are introducing campaigns on a regular basis, your audience will be alert to your brand.

So concentrate on creating advertisements that not only help you reach your immediate goal, but also allow you to connect with your audience. This way you will be able to create a brand identity and this tool is very powerful for your audience to recognize you.

Maybe you wonder what I mean, well, for example, make an effort to make your ads, although different from each other maintain a certain linearity in the tone, in this manner your audience attributes certain characteristics of your offer to the brand and somehow "humanizes" "

A bold letter, a controversial image, everything counts, so don't let your ads turn out in excess of your brand image, if you would like to do something differently to try it, do it, but make absolutely sure the ad maintains your brand identity, together with your colors or your logo or your specific typography.